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ChicagoVPS’ Cloud Metal Servers

Our Cloud Metal Servers are a robust and high-performance solution designed for businesses and developers seeking unparalleled power, reliability, and control. Cloud Metal Servers offer a unique infrastructure solution that combines the flexibility of the cloud with the raw power of dedicated physical servers. Host nodes feature 10Gbps ports and pure SSD storage.

Cloud Metal Server Plans



Powerful Control Panel

Instant Deployment

Raw Power and Performance

Unparalleled Reliability

24/7 Support

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Dedicated Server FAQ

Have another question? Check out the rest of the FAQ or contact us.

What are dedicated servers?

Dedicated servers provides the highest level of resources and capabilites of an entire server. Dedicated servers are used specifically by one user and not shared by any others, enabling those users to use 100% of the reources powered by the server.

What is the difference between Linux VPS and a dedicated server?

A Linux virtual private server is not a physical computer, while a dedicated server is compiled of several virtual servers.
