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June 2, 2024

Download Now: Arch Linux’s First ISO Release Powered by Linux Kernel 6.9

The June 2024 release of the Arch Linux ISO snapshot is now available, featuring the new Linux kernel 6.9. This release is ideal for users who are setting up the leading rolling-release distribution on fresh deployments.

The release marked as Arch Linux 2024.06.01 integrates the recently-launched Linux 6.9 kernel as its core, enhancing hardware recognition capabilities on both new and some older machines where previous versions may have failed to identify certain components.

The default kernel for Arch Linux 2024.06.01 is the Linux 6.9.3. This update has already been incorporated into Arch Linux’s stable repositories a few weeks prior, allowing current users who perform regular updates to benefit from the new kernel. Additionally, this snapshot includes all the package updates that were released in May 2024.

Moreover, this latest ISO snapshot of Arch Linux brings the updated Archinstall 2.8 installer. Released on April 15, 2024, Archinstall 2.8 enhances the setup experience by enlarging the default size of the ESP system partition to 1 GB, refining microcode processing, and synchronizing udev prior to lsblk after formatting, which assists in the automatic partitioning process.

The Archinstall 2.8 installer has been enhanced with new features including an updated guide on resizing the booted ISO root partition, the capability to set a keyboard layout during minimal installation, a switch from weekly to daily updates of the official image, an improvement in the display of installed packages across various profiles, and fixes for issues related to Btrfs mount options, the GRUB boot directory, fstab line endings, enabling testing repositories, custom mirrors, and sizing of the /home partition.

Arch Linux 2024.06.01 is ready for download from the official website. This ISO release is intended for new installations only, as current Arch Linux users can update their systems by executing the sudo pacman -Syu command in their preferred terminal emulator.

Last updated 11 hours ago

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