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April 9, 2024

EndeavourOS Developers Bid Farewell to ARM Branch, Seek New Maintainers

Bryan Poerwoatmodjo, the project leader and founder of EndeavourOS, shared a brief blog post announcing the discontinuation of EndeavourOS’s ARM branch. The reason behind this is a lack of maintainers and recent upstream changes.

The EndeavourOS ARM was launched around three and a half years ago. Its first installer was made public with the EndeavourOS Artemis release, facilitating the installation of the Arch Linux-based distro on different ARM-powered single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi or ODROID N2/XU4.

The EndeavourOS ARM was maintained by few EndeavourOS community members and was based on the Arch Linux ARM project. In contrast to the upstream, EndeavourOS ARM provided a graphical installation method utilizing the well-known Calamares universal installer for Linux systems.

Regrettably, the upstream Arch Linux ARM project is progressively falling behind the Arch Linux project. The widening gap between the ARM and 64-bit (x86_64) architectures, along with the lead maintainer’s disillusionment due to lack of external aid, has led to the abandonment of the EndeavourOS ARM branch.

“EndeavourOS is a project on the side for everyone involved and enthusiasm is key to making it roll forward,” said EndeavourOS leader Bryan Poerwo. “Even though we are saying goodbye to the project with pain in our hearts, we completely understand Pudge’s decision.”

But the good news is that the EndeavourOS ARM branch is still open for anyone who wants to take over the project. If you’re reading this and want to pick up where EndeavourOS ARM left off, check out the project’s GitHub page and join the team.

EndeavourOS is a popular GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux and leveraging the KDE software for its flagship ISO image. Similar to Arch Linux, EndeavourOS uses a rolling-release model, but it offers several community editions with various popular desktop environments and window managers.

Last updated 6 hours ago

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