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May 9, 2024

Fedora Asahi Remix: Bringing Fedora Linux 40 and Plasma 6 to Apple Silicon Macs


Just a few weeks after Fedora Linux 40 was released for PCs and servers, the Fedora team has announced that Fedora Asahi Remix 40 is now available.

The remix is a collaboration between Fedora and Asahi, a group of developers that have been working to enable Linux on recent Mac computers with Apple M series processors. Among other things, the new build brings the KDE Plasma 6 user interface to Macs.

Late last year the Asahi developers introduced the first stable release of Fedora Asahi Remix and announced that Fedora would be their primary GNU/Linux distribution moving forward.

At the time, the remix was based on Fedora 39 with support for either the KDE Plasma or GNOME desktop environments. Since that release, developers have been working to fix some remaining bugs, improve drivers, and enable support for the latest software. But the current release isn’t without issues. Version 40 is also OpenGL 4.6 and OpenGL ES 3.2 compliant.

Currently, HDMI audio is “unstable,” which may cause system-wide audio issues, freeze applications that require audio, and interfere with restart and shutdown operations. Therefore, developers aim to update the installer to disable HDMI audio until they can rectify the issue. Users who have already installed Fedora Asahi Remix 40 are recommended to disable HDMI audio manually.

Those interested in installing Asahi Remix on a Mac can find instructions for doing a first-time install or upgrading from version 39 on the Fedora website.

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