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June 1, 2024

NetworkManager 1.48 Update Enhances 6 GHz Band Detection for Improved Wi-Fi Performance

NetworkManager 1.48, the latest release of the open-source tool for managing network connections on Linux-based systems, is now available. This release marks a significant update, packed with new features and enhancements.

Arriving more than three months after NetworkManager 1.46, version 1.48 brings several advancements including the introduction of features such as IPv6 SLAAC and the option for static IPv8 DNS server configuration for modem broadband in scenes where the IPv6 address is not supplied by ModemManager.

Further, this update enhances the support for changing OpenSSL ciphers used in 802.1X authentication through the 802-1x.openssl-ciphers property, boosts the detection capabilities for the 6 GHz band in Wi-Fi devices, and ensures reliable restoration of in-memory connection profiles when a checkpoint rollback occurs.

With NetworkManager 1.48, improvements continue as it accurately sets the “StateReason” property on the “Device” D-Bus object whenever a device becomes unmanaged. This detail can be viewed using the NetworkManager command line interface with nmcli -f all device show $DEV.

Among other noteworthy changes, NetworkManager 1.48 fixes a performance issue leading to 100% CPU usage if external programs were doing a big amount of routes updates and replaces the mac-address-blacklist property for 802-11-wireless and 802-11-wired with the mac-address-denylist property.</ started deprecating the older GNU Autotools build process in favor of using Meson. Builders who prefer the old method can use the --disable-autotools-deprecation argument during configuration.

NetworkManager 1.48 is available for download as a source tarball here. This version requires manual compilation. If manual installation is not for you, it’s recommended to wait for the update to be included in the stable software repositories of your preferred GNU/Linux distribution.

Last updated 8 hours ago

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