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April 20, 2024

Mozilla Requesting User Feedback for Firefox Nightly ARM64 Binaries on Linux

The announcement for those anticipating the capability to download the Firefox web browser for the ARM64 (AArch64) architecture on Linux has arrived. Mozilla declared that Firefox Nightly can now be acquired as ARM64 binaries for Linux systems.

Mozilla previously introduced the Firefox official DEB packages for Ubuntu/Debian-based distributions. Now, the company aims to provide official AArch64 binaries for its Linux users. As a Raspberry Pi user, this was a significant obstacle when using specific distros associated with an older Firefox version.

The exciting feature is the availability of Firefox ARM64 binaries for Linux both as downloadable archives in tar.bz2 format from Mozilla’s website (try here) and as DEB packages for Ubuntu/Debian systems. These can be installed on your AArch64 distro following these guidelines for the firefox-nightly package.

Note, the Firefox ARM64 binaries are presently provided only for Firefox Nightly, the browser’s alpha version. While Mozilla espouses confidence in AArch64 architecture’s Firefox quality, comprehensive testing is still being integrated into Firefox’s continuous integration and release pipeline, and your feedback is valuable.

“We encourage you to download the new AArch64 Firefox Nightly binaries, test them, and share your findings with us. By using these builds and reporting any issues, you’re empowering our developers to better support and test on this architecture, ultimately leading to a stable and reliable Firefox for ARM64,” said Mozilla.

If you decide to download the Firefox ARM64 binaries on your Linux distro, don’t hesitate to report any bugs or issues you encounter on Mozilla’s bug tracking system. Just like you, I can’t wait for the AArch64 binaries to be offered on the stable Firefox release channel, which could happen later this year.

Last updated 2 hours ago

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